covers :: a pandemic-endemic era project (2020-2022)
A series of digital assemblages, consisting of photos taken on an iPhone, titles and imaginary headlines combined in the form of fictitious magazine covers that are composite distillations of components that are emblematic of the artist’s experiences during the years 2020 thru 2022. The photos were taken at the artist’s home, studio and garden, as well as other locations within the artist’s “pandemic bubble” and later outside of it, and from her personal archive.
As an interactive installation, the primary home of the digital assemblages is located here (on this webpage) where pertinent links to elsewhere can be accessed by tapping or clicking on covers.
As a physical installation, each digital assemblage magazine cover is printed on metal, then wall-hung sequentially at eye-level to be read as a representational timeline.
April 8 thru September 28, 2023 - Sonoma Clean Power, Santa Rosa, CA - (13 covers printed on aluminum)
Sanches Art Center, Pacifia, CA (4 covers printed on aluminum)
Entanglements, a curated collection of contemporary culture - Hunger Button Books - (24 covers)
in situ, Vol. 18 (Summer 2022)
Cover image: multi-instrumentalist / composer / sound designer Conrad Praetzel in his native habitat. Adventures Into Somethingness is available here. Yay! Can we go outside now?
dash(i), Vol. 17 (February 2022)
Cover image: attempting to recreate unwritten recipes using only childhood memories of flavors and ingredients from Hawaii, California and Japan, and recalling visions of helping in the kitchen long ago.
aware, Vol. 16 (January 2022)
Cover image: when the world seems upside down, closer inspection reveals things to be just as they are, where up is down and down is up, and snow and stars are one in the same with simply being grounded.