maybe/possibly/perhaps (third edition)
maybe/possibly/perhaps (third edition, published February 8, 2025)
Words are powerful agents that, in the best case scenarios, can be used to clearly communicate ideas, express thoughts, and project emotions in positive ways. In the worst cases, words can be used to confuse, confound and control others in negative ways. Physical matter, whether in the form of manufactured items, handmade supplies, and even detritus offer a familiar entry point into the heart, center and meaning of works of writing and art.
An active meditation on facets, perspectives and points of view, maybe/possibly/perhaps (third edition) is an artist’s book and is meant for two or more people to “turn the pages” and read the text out loud to each other.
This third edition contains the same text and number of “pages” as the previous two editions but differs from earlier versions in that edition one and two were both pocket-sized zines with paper dodecahedrons included (assembly required), and this third edition is is an artist’s book made using secondhand garments, insulated copper wire, a readymade rolling clothes rack and archival ink.
A limited number of copies of the second edition, which includes the colophon, artist’s note, and a paper dodecahedron (assembly required) are available to purchase at here.
Artist’s Note
maybe this is the book upon which all heads-of-state and all state officials should be required to place their hand on while being sworn into office.
maybe this is the book from which vows should be solemnly taken word-for-word before licenses are granted and pronouncements are made.
maybe this is the book which should be presented to every child upon birth, with additional copies provided to their parents.
perhaps this is that book.
perhaps this book will be translated into all languages and sent to every politician to read in every corner of the world, and to the leaders and laypeople of every religion, cult and book-of-the-month club that exists.
perhaps this book will come in handy some day and therefore should be carried with you at all times in your satchel, your trousers and/or in your easy-to-access exterior napkin pocket.
perhaps this book will become worn ragged and thin from use, every page will be memorized, and the entire text will be tattooed upon your back.
possibly this is that book.
— C.K.Itamura
Dialogues 2025, SFArtsED Gallery, Minnesota Street Project, San Francisco, CA (February 8 thru March 22, 2025)
Previous Editions
Second edition of 90 (published February 6, 2023)
maybe/possibly/perhaps (second edition) was released at Berkeley Art Center in Berkeley, California during Berkeley Commonplace’s Art Party 2022. During this event, an introduction to the 16-page zine was provided, and a hands-on dodecahedron assembly and demonstrations of its use were live and in-person with C.K.Itamura. Addtional colophon text is included in this edition.
First edition of 65 (published September 18, 2022)
maybe/possibly/perhaps (first edition) is a 16-page zine and a and a paper dodecahedron (assembly required).
Thank You
Support for this project was provided by Conrad Praetzel, Diana Jameson, R.C. Wong
Enthusiasm for this project was expressed by Jonathan Middlebrook and his grandchildren, and by Jan Kather at Elmira College in New York.